About The Survey



Interviews, only with nationals


Age group of Arab youth surveyed


Arab States & Territories


Sample split: Male / Female

Why WeDo This?

Now in its 12th edition, the Annual ASDA’A BCW Arab Youth Survey is one of the most important pieces of research produced in the Middle East and North Africa that offers unique insight into the attitudes and aspirations of the region’s biggest demographic.

We do this survey for three reasons: Our first inspiration was to deliver valuable evidence-based insights on what defines the region – its youthful demographic. When we began our annual survey in 2008, the region was known for being data-poor on its important market segment, and the survey has filled this gap.

Our second belief was to fund the survey entirely ourselves, ensuring its

independence and credibility. We have lived by that belief as we built and nurtured this initiative.

Thirdly, we wanted to provide the key findings of the survey, freely on this website giving governments, the private sector and civil society across the world critical information and analysis by global experts to inform decision-making and policy formation.

2020 Survey Methodology

The 12th Annual ASDA’A BCW Arab Youth Survey 2020 was conducted by international research firm PSB to explore attitudes among Arab youth in 17 states in the Middle East and North Africa. The study, covering 4,000 young Arabs aged 18 to 24, was conducted in two parts.

Main Survey

The Main Survey was conducted in 17 Arab states between January 19 and March 3, 2020, before the COVID-19 crisis impacted the region. 3,400 face-to-face interviews were conducted by professional interviewers. The interviews were completed in Arabic and English.

This year, the survey reincluded Syria, after nine years, and newly added Sudan to the sample. Margin of error is +/- 1.7% for the total sample and larger for sub-groups.

The COVID-19 Pulse Survey interviews were conducted between August 18 and 26, 2020, nearly six months after the completion of the main fieldwork of the 12th Annual ASDA’A BCW Arab Youth Survey to understand the impact of COVID-19 on Arab youth and to validate the results of the Main Survey. Fieldwork took place shortly after the Beirut explosion, potentially having an impact on the perceptions and attitudes of Lebanese youth.

In all, 600 face-to-face and online interviews were conducted in Arabic and English among young Arab nationals of six countries in the region. Margin of error for the COVID-19 Pulse Survey is +/- 4.0% for the total sample and larger for sub-groups.

COVID-19 Pulse Survey

Region covered

The survey is the largest of its kind of the region’s largest demographic, and covers five of the Gulf Cooperation Council states (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia and the UAE), North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia), and the Levant (Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories, Syria and Yemen). While the survey reincluded Syria this year, after nine years, Sudan was newly added to the sample.

The geographic location of respondents was considered by PSB when developing the fieldwork methodology for the Main Survey – with, for example, 40 per cent of UAE respondents in Abu Dhabi, 40 per cent in Dubai and 20 per cent in Sharjah.

Saudi respondents were drawn from three of the country’s main cities, Riyadh, Jeddah and Dammam; youth in the Palestinian Territories from the West Bank and Gaza; Oman’s youth from Muscat and Batinah; Lebanese youth from Beirut, Saida, and Tripoli; Tunisian youth from Tunis, Sfax and Soussa; Iraqi youth from Baghdad, Irbil and Basrah; Egyptian youth from Cairo, Alexandria and Mansoura, and so on, across each state.

When analysed, this geographic spread provides a more accurate national picture than findings based solely on the responses of those living in capital cities. For the COVID-19 Pulse Survey, the geographic location of the respondents included country capitals and other cities.

PSB is a global insights and analytics consultancy. For more than 40 years, PSB has provided actionable insights and guidance for corporate, government and public sector clients in over 100 countries. With deep expertise across qualitative and quantitative research and social and predictive analytics, PSB brings an integrative approach to helping clients solve their most complex challenges and win in highly competitive situations. PSB is a member of the BCW Group of companies, which is part of WPP (NYSE:WPP), a creative transformation company. www.psbinsights.com

17 Arab
States &

The largest survey into the region’s most important demographic, covering 17 states and territories across the Middle East and North Africa

GCC Region

Population (mn) 1.7
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 78.4
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) 17.2
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 4.6
Internet users (mn) 1.65

Internet penetration 97%
Active social media users (mn) 1.4
Active social media penetration 82%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 2.19
Mobile phone penetration 131%


Population (mn) 4.27
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 359.16
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) 52.8
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 15.8
Internet users (mn) 4.2

Internet penetration 99%
Active social media users (mn) 4.2
Active social media penetration 99%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 7.38
Mobile phone penetration 173%


Population (mn) 5.1
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 217.9
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) 26
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 15.4
Internet users (mn) 4.66

Internet penetration 97%
Active social media users (mn) 1.4
Active social media penetration 82%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 2.19
Mobile phone penetration 131%


Population (mn) 34.8
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 1,991
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) 22.2
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 28.6
Internet users (mn) 32.22

Internet penetration 93%
Active social media users (mn) 25
Active social media penetration 72%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 40.2
Mobile phone penetration 115%

Saudi Arabia

Population (mn) 9.89
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 808.7
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) 30
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 7.3
Internet users (mn) 9.73

Internet penetration 99%
Active social media users (mn) 9.73
Active social media penetration 99%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 18.38
Mobile phone penetration 185%

United Arab Emirates
The Levant

Population (mn) 10.2
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 102.54
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) NS
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 35
Internet users (mn) 8.7

Internet penetration 85%
Active social media users (mn) 5.8
Active social media penetration 58%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 8.23
Mobile phone penetration 81%


Population (mn) 40.22
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 749.85
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) 65
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 25.1
Internet users (mn) 29.8

Internet penetration 74%<
Active social media users (mn) 21
Active social media penetration 53%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 40.89
Mobile phone penetration 101%


Population (mn) 6.82
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 74.63
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) NS
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 17.6
Internet users (mn) 5.35

Internet penetration 78%
Active social media users (mn) 4.1
Active social media penetration 60%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 4.65
Mobile phone penetration 68%


Population (mn) 5.1
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 15.5*
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) NS
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 49.6*
Internet users (mn) 3.38

Internet penetration 66.3%
Active social media users (mn) 2.7
Active social media penetration 54%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 4.33
Mobile phone penetration 85%

Palestinian Territories

Population (mn) 17.5
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 37
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) NA
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 20.9
Internet users (mn) 7.6

Internet penetration 43.5%
Active social media users (mn) 6
Active social media penetration 34%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 14.31
Mobile phone penetration 82%


Population (mn) 29.8
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 96.94
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) 25.46*
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 24
Internet users (mn) 7.9

Internet penetration 26.5%
Active social media users (mn) 2.5
Active social media penetration 8.5%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 17.82
Mobile phone penetration 60%

North Africa

Population (mn) 43.85
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 696.2
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) 20
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 29.5
Internet users (mn) 25.4

Internet penetration 58%
Active social media users (mn) 22
Active social media penetration 50%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 49.48
Mobile phone penetration 113%


Population (mn) 102.3
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 1,482.14
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) NS
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 31.1
Internet users (mn) 49.23

Internet penetration 48.1%
Active social media users (mn) 42
Active social media penetration 41%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 92.7
Mobile phone penetration 90%


Population (mn) 6.87
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 89.44
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) 60
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 50.5
Internet users (mn) 5.1

Internet penetration 74%
Active social media users (mn) 5.1
Active social media penetration 74%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 11.4
Mobile phone penetration 166%


Population (mn) 36.9
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 356.3
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) NS
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 22.1
Internet users (mn) 23.74

Internet penetration 64.3%
Active social media users (mn) 18
Active social media penetration 48.7%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 43.35
Mobile phone penetration 117%


Population (mn) 43.85
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 220.8
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) NS
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 31.4
Internet users (mn) 13.12

Internet penetration 29.9%
Active social media users (mn) 1.3
Active social media penetration 3%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 32.83
Mobile phone penetration 75%


Population (mn) 11.8
GDP PPP (US$ bn– 2020 est.) 160.5
Contribution of oil to GDP (%) NS
Youth (15 to 24 years) unemployment (% of total labour force) 36.3
Internet users (mn) 7.9

Internet penetration 66.8%
Active social media users (mn) 7.3
Active social media penetration 61.8%
Mobile subscriptions (mn) 17.77
Mobile phone penetration 150%


Population: http://worldpopulationreview.com/countries/

GDP: International Monetary Fund - shorturl.at/gDHV7; Trading Economics (https://tradingeconomics.com/syria/gdp) for Syria; GDP of Palestine is based on estimate by the Palestinian Monetary Authority - shorturl.at/glDMY, and that of Lebanon from Statista.com (shorturl.at/denA4)

Share of oil in GDP: Bahrain – Bahrain Economic Quarterly Q1 2020 by Ministry of Finance and National Economy (shorturl.at/hyKT8); Oman – Government Budget 2020 (shorturl.at/oFX28); Kuwait: Kuwait Central Statistical Bureau (https://www.kuna.net.kw/ArticleDetails.aspx?id=2885950&language=en); Saudi Arabia: General Authority for Statistics (https://www.stats.gov.sa/sites/default/files/gdp_national_accounts_indicators_2020q1_kpen_2.pdf); UAE – UAE Ministry of Economy - Annual Economic Report 2019 (shorturl.at/pIJW2); Iraq - Iraq Economic Monitor by World Bank Group (http://documents.worldbank.org/curated/en/771451524124058858/pdf/125406-WP-PUBLIC-P163016-Iraq-Economic-Monitor-text-Spring-2018-4-18-18web.pdf); Yemen: TheGlobalEconomy.com as of 2017 (https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/Yemen/oil_revenue/); Algeria – OPEC (https://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/about_us/146.htm); Libya – OPEC (https://www.opec.org/opec_web/en/about_us/166.htm)

Youth unemployment: World Bank - https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/sl.uem.1524.zs; Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (youth unemployment among those aged 20 to 24) http://www.pcbs.gov.ps/post.aspx?lang=en&ItemID=3135

Internet users & penetration; social media users and mobile usage: Internet World Statistics; DataReportal (http://www.internetworldstats.com; https://datareportal.com)